Meeting Steve Cardenas was at the recommendation of a personal coach of mine. Meeting solely based on the trust of my coach, I did not know what to expect. Was I in for a surprise? Steve takes his craft very seriously and in the day and age of graphic and web designers on the fly, I was thoroughly impressed with the journey to get to where I am today with my branding.
Our first initial meeting, I was not too sure if I had made the right decision, I was still recovering from surgery so I let this pass. Steve gave me homework which I abhor and never finished, a lengthy personality test and many questions. I just wanted a damn website and logo. Fast forward few months later, we went through nearly 100 variations of logos and designs to get the finished product.
Nearly eleven months later, I am more than impressed with the final result, get compliments all the time from colleagues and feel my branding differentiates myself from the average agent. While not the easiest to work for, Steve knows what he is doing and the personality test surely helped here.
Steve has definitely earned my business, respect and friendship. I don’t have a designer. I have a marketing team with Steve Cardenas at ISCI Communications. Many thanks Steve.